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To identify the exchange formats for both DNG & RQM to achieve points:1)Traceability links between DNG and RQM test case to be included in exported artifacts from one side and on other side, the links needs to be established automatically on import.

ttgupta Gupta (1518) | asked Oct 29 '18, 2:52 a.m.
retagged Dec 21 '18, 4:20 a.m. by Minakshi Jaint (5113)


To identify the exchange formats for both DNG & RQM to achieve points:
1)Traceability links between DNG and RQM test case to be included in exported artifacts from one side and on other side, the links needs to be established automatically on import.
2) Pictures, Attachments, tables etc… to be exported and needs to be imported automatically on other side, where ever applicable in (DNG/RQM artifacts).

Paul Slauenwhite commented Oct 29 '18, 9:11 a.m.

Can you please clarify?  It's unclear what you are asking. 

3 answers

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Harsha Vardhan (132) | answered Oct 30 '18, 3:14 a.m.

 Hi Paul,

To clarify the above request from ttGupta:

We have a  database, where DNG requirements artifacts and RQM Test artifacts are uploaded into them and traceability (links from Reqs to Test cases and Vice versa) has been established.

Now that, we have a Use case of exchanging these contents from both DNG and RQM along with their Traceability info to other database which is not on our network.

Is there any way to retain Cross application linking (DNG to RQM Linking) while exchanging them to other database?

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Harsha Vardhan (132) | answered Oct 30 '18, 3:18 a.m.

 Hi Paul,

To clarify the above request from ttGupta:

We have a  database, where DNG requirements artifacts and RQM Test artifacts are uploaded into them and traceability (links from Reqs to Test cases and Vice versa) has been established.

Now that, we have a Use case of exchanging these contents from both DNG and RQM along with their Traceability info to other database which is not on our network.

Is there any way to retain Cross application linking (DNG to RQM Linking) while exchanging them to other database?
Also, Is there any way to bulk export of Test cases(with all its sections & content) from RQM to excel format?

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Oct 30 '18, 6:52 a.m.

Thanks Harsha for the clarification.  

I can provide some help for RQM.  

Unfortunately, there is no support for this scenario unless you use server rename to copy the entire RQM/DNG repository (see  The RQM Copy Utility (see can copy the test artifacts in RQM but cross-application links are not preserved.  Also, users can only export table or list views in RQM to CSV.  

I would suggest writing your own utility based on the OSLC QM API (see  You can use the OSLC Cleaner Utility code  (see as a starting point.

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