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Insert existing artifact into module: how to add more than 25 at a time

Michael Laurendi (1051845) | asked Oct 19 '18, 8:18 a.m.
When in a module, after selecting the pencil icon for an artifact, and selecting "Inserting Existing Artifact...", is there a way to display and add more than 25 artifacts? For example, if I navigate to a folder with 100 artifacts, I can insert the first page of 25 displayed and add them into the module. I then have to select page 2 to display the next 25 artifacts and add them, and so on.

DNG 6.0.5 iFix005, no Global Config Management.

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Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Oct 19 '18, 8:41 a.m.
edited Oct 19 '18, 8:42 a.m.
You can insert up to 200 artifacts at once by changing the view settings on the folder.

The dropdown is in the top left corner of the List View for a folder.

Michael Laurendi commented Oct 19 '18, 11:18 a.m.

 Hi Sean,

The drop-down menu you uploaded I can get alright when I right-click in the top gray row when in the folders. That is not the same menu when right-clicking the top gray row when in a module. I will describe the menu briefly as follows because I have not yet earned enough Forum points to upload a screen snippet png file:

1st menu selection is "Show Full Hierarchy".
2nd menu selection row is "Configure Columns to Display..."
3rd row is "Reset Columns to Default"

If I change settings in the folder view to be 200 Row Per Page and then go into my module, when I select "Insert Existing Artifacts.." it is un-changed at 25 items per page.

Is there another place I should go to modify my settings? 

Sean F commented Oct 19 '18, 12:09 p.m.
Hi Michael,

What I found is that when you go into a folder (any folder) you can change the preference from 25 to 200 as shown in the picture..

After doing this I go back to my module. Open it. Select an artifact.

>Pencil Menu>Insert Existing Artifact>After...

Selection window pops up.

Browse to folder where the artifacts are located. The window now lets you select up to 200 artfacts instead of 25.

It seems to be a global preference setting that you can change from inside any folder and it will affect the rest of the interface.

Michael Laurendi commented Oct 19 '18, 12:25 p.m.


That is not working. What version of RDNG are you at? I am using 6.0.5 iFix005.

You must be a later version.


Sean F commented Oct 19 '18, 12:36 p.m.
6.0.6 iFix001

I also have standalone 6.0.5 on another machine so I will have a look on that.

Sean F commented Oct 20 '18, 12:49 a.m.

Hi Michael,

I have checked this in 605 and it does not work. I think you need 606

Not sure what 605 iFix I am running. The about box just says:-

Rational DOORS Next Generation    6.0.5    RDNG6.0.5-I20171103_2035

Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries    6.0.5    RJF-SERVER-I20171103-1833

You can also add artifacts to a module using CSV import when they are imported. Not sure if you can export existing artifacts to a CSV and then update their module and parentBinding properties to insert them in a module. Might be a possibility.

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