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RESTful Authentication RTC 6

Umar Dockrat (1111) | asked Oct 17 '18, 9:31 a.m.

 Good Day,

I am really scratching my head here trying to get authentication to work over REST against RTC 6.0.4

I have tried with both Chrome Postman and Linux Curl:

I refer to the "two step process" where a request is set to get a session cookie:
curl -A "MS Internet Explorer" --header "Accept: application/xml" -v -k -j -L -b ./cookies.txt -c ./cookies.txt "https://<host>/jts/authenticated/identity"

*Using this I do not get any session cookie. I have also tried leaving out -A option or defining it as firefox/chrome

Then the second step:
curl -A "MS Internet Explorer" --header "Accept: application/xml" -v -k -L -b ./cookies.txt -c ./cookies.txt "https://<host>/jts/authenticated/j_security_check?j_username=<un>&j_password=<pw>"

I get “You have followed a direct link to log in to a Jazz server.  This page has been presented to ensure that a malicious website cannot use cleverly crafted content to circumvent security. Please log in if you would like to access the server.”

Please could someone share a working RESTful auth on RTC 6+?


One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Oct 17 '18, 9:38 a.m.

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