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How to checkout files programmatically and work around using C# for RTC SCM?

Guillaume Turlier (132) | asked Aug 28 '18, 11:50 a.m.
Hello everyone,

I'm getting stuck in the integration of RTC SCM using C# for a soft, there is almost no information. I can have connection and some information but i want now to compare files between 2 versions for example.   :)

If a smart angel is there  :D.....Thank you in advance


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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Aug 31 '18, 3:48 a.m.

Hi Guillaume,
In general there is no available c# library for jazz scm. What you can do is to use scm commands from cmd and execute it in c# code using

Process.Start("scm login --username abc --password def");
Let us know if that helps.

Guillaume Turlier selected this answer as the correct answer

Guillaume Turlier commented Aug 31 '18, 4:03 a.m. | edited Sep 30 '18, 5:41 a.m.
Hi Krzysztof,

Thanks for your response, i'll do that so...


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