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Steps to integrate SonarQube with Jazz

Sudharsan S (111) | asked Jul 10 '18, 3:04 a.m.

We currently have a CI/CD pipeline set-up with Jazz Build Engine and UrbanCode Deploy.We are looking to include SonarQube into our delivery pipeline. In essence, to set-up a code quality stage after build is completed on Jazz Build Engine and to have SonarQube results published in the regular build result published by Jazz. Do we already have articles available to set-up this up? OR can we leverage IBM support to help us in achieving this?

We have already browsed a bit on this topic online, but couldn't find much information. One info which was close to our ask was integrating RTC with SonarQube but we are looking the other way round to ensure our results are stacked at one common place ( which is Jazz-RTC).

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 10 '18, 5:47 a.m.
edited Jul 10 '18, 5:48 a.m.

Support is not an organization that would help here. They do product issues and not support for other tools.

IBM has a service organization you could contact, I guess.

Maybe can be a source of ideas. The purpose is another, but generating and integrating web pages for the build is a valid approach and the pages created/links can be used to publish the results.

So you would link the web ages to the build result. One of the examples explains how to do that.

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