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Restriction of users to login to RTC using Java api

Jagadeesh Marada (23113) | asked Jul 04 '18, 12:18 p.m.


Is there any way to provide RTC login access to only specific users so that others can not login to RTC.If many users are login to rtc ,performance issues are occering. So we just want to allow only specific users belongs to RTC support.  Is there any way? Let me know if we have...., thanks in advance. 

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 05 '18, 1:22 a.m.

Please make yourself familiar with: How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers?

No, there is no way to prevent users from logging in, other than removing/locking their user ID. Licenses can limit what they can do (e.g. no SCM). Other than that, I am not aware.

The case you make above does not provide any information despite this fact and I would think that if you have performance issues there should be a review of your topology and deployment and make it more efficient if at all possible.

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