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How to generate reports that include what is in custom sections?

Choon Lin Lai (111) | asked Jun 21 '18, 9:44 p.m.

 When i generate report with JRS, it allows me to choose custom attributes but not those in section. How can i generate report added in custom sectionc? 

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 25 '18, 7:08 a.m.

 Hi Choon,

I'm assuming you're referring to custom sections that were added to a test artifact (e.g. test plan) editor or template.  If so, were two blocking defects (see Custom rich text/grid sections are not reportable in Report Builder using a LQE data source. (166362) and OSLC QM GET requests of test artifacts with sections contains null descriptions return 500 (Internal Server Error). (166859)) that were fixed in 6.0.4 iFix005 and 6.0.5.  Once you have these fixes, you need to add a relationship to rich text sections in your Report Build report.

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