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How to set values in Workitem List attribute using server API

Pallavi Deore (38150) | asked May 29 '18, 8:11 a.m.


I am Using CLM 5.0.1
I am able to access and set work item list attribute value using server java API.
But if attribute of type work item list is already having some work items and i need to add one more work item in it using server java API. How to do it?

Any idea??

Accepted answer

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Luca Martinucci (1.0k397112) | answered May 30 '18, 2:40 a.m.

I've recently done that (in CLM 6.0.3), it is straightforward.

Basically, these are the steps:
  1. get the current value of the WI List attribute, as a List object;
  2. get the work item you want to add, as a IWorkItem object;
  3. add the work item to the List, using the add method;
  4. set the List as the new value of the attribute, using the setValue method (see the examples provided by Ralph):
  5. save the work item that contains the attribute you've updated (using the saveWorkItem3 method in the examples).
According to your post, you should already be able to perform steps 1, 4 and 5, and step 3 is very simple.
Just retrieve the work item you want to add to the list.

Pallavi Deore selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 29 '18, 8:25 a.m.
edited May 29 '18, 8:28 a.m.

The server API works exactly like the client API in most of the areas. Here how to save in the server API:

A list attribute is a List and the interface provides an add to add the data that is missing.So you make sure the list contains that it is supposed and then save, I think. See

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