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Possibility to have two different Test case editor

Rohini Kumar (921057) | asked Apr 25 '18, 4:38 a.m.


I shall be able to see different test case editor based upon the selection of the Test case template in RQM, like how we have different editors for different workitems in RTC.
Im using RQM of version 6.0.2. 
Please help me to know whether it is possible or not? if yes, what configuration is required to achieve the same?

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Lam To (216) | answered Apr 25 '18, 9:35 a.m.

QM's Artifact templates define only the content of the artifact, but not the layout. They define the sections for the artifact, which can store and present different types of data. QM out of the box provide a set of sections and templates for several artifact types, such as test plan and test case. Admin user can create custom sections, as well as custom templates. Custom sections are limited to rich text and grid data types only.

When creating an artifact user can choice a template for it. A default template is always chosen first. Once the artifact is created, the use can still change the sections. The template is only for seeding the artifact with a set of sections.

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