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How do I get DNG to display links to RTC and QM?

Brian Kurz (1715) | asked Jan 15 '18, 10:44 a.m.
closed Jun 26 '18, 6:22 a.m. by Muralidhar Rajagopal (10114)

 I am running 6.0.4 with GC enabled.

I have a GC setup that includes an RM stream and QM stream.
I have a release in CCM that uses the GC with my RM and QM streams.

I have added an implemented by link from DNG to my RTC story.

On the RTC story I see an implements link.

On my DNG requirement, it says I have no links.

I have also done the same thing with a test case in my QM stream that is part of the GC, but the link is only visible in QM and not in the RM.

How do I get DNG to show the Implemented By and Validated By links?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jun 28 '18, 1:01 a.m.

First, for some terminology, you are able to see the links (which are stored in RTC and RQM), but you cannot see the "back-links" in the DNG GUI links section.

The explanation for not being able to see the RTC back-links is likely to be because of the back-link filtering that RTC does.   The easiest way to check if this is what is happening would be to remove all of the Global Configuration attributes from your RTC release objects (since that will stop any back-link filtering).   If that doesn't make the RTC backlinks appear, then it is some other problem (probably will need to work with IBM Support.
RQM doesn't do this kind of filtering, so there is something else going on there.   There were some bugs in this area, that were fixed in the recent iFixes ... one thing to check is that the most recent iFix for your release have been installed.   If that doesn't fix your problem, then it is likely you will have to work with IBM Support on this issue as well.

Brian Kurz selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

permanent link
Muralidhar Rajagopal (10114) | answered Jun 26 '18, 6:22 a.m.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Jun 28 '18, 12:55 a.m.

227641 is about being unable to create links.   This question is about not being able to view links that have already been created, so these are quite different questions. 

permanent link
Matthias Buettgen (23612332) | answered Jun 28 '18, 6:07 a.m.

Might be a stupid questions, but did you also have LDX installed and configured correctly.

As far as I know is this a requirement to see links in DNG when GC is used.

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