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Can same Test Case be added to different Test Suites within one Test Plan?

Robert Huet (23113984) | asked Jan 10 '18, 10:35 p.m.

We are running into problems sharing the same Test Case across two different Test Suites in same Test Plan.

When we create the Test Suite Execution Records for two Test Suites and run them, the system creates the very same TCER record (same ID) under both Test Suite Execution Records.  So it is impossible to record separate results for the different Suite executions.

Are we doing something wrong, or is this use case not supported?  This is certainly not the behavior we would expect.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 10 '18, 11:32 p.m.

If you check the details of a TCER, you will not see the Test Suite, and I doubt that you can use a Test Suite to differentiate TCERs.

If however you execute the same Test Suite in a different Test Plan, you will get a new TCER.

TCER is linked directly to a Test Plan, not a Test Suite.

Robert Huet selected this answer as the correct answer

Robert Huet commented Jan 10 '18, 11:41 p.m.

 Thanks for the quick response on this, Donald!

Robert Huet commented Jan 11 '18, 10:51 a.m.

 By the way, did a customer ask for this behavior?  Because it completely breaks the testing best practices where Test Cases are reusable units.  It also completely breaks the paradigm of a Suite Execution Record representing a unique instance or execution for all the contained Test Cases.  It also prevents customers with properly designed Test Cases from using Test Suites.

If this is a design flaw that was never addressed, I can understand, and it would be nice if that could be fixed.

Donald Nong commented Jan 12 '18, 2:35 a.m.

Rob, you're the practitioner and you can definitely raise this concern to the RQM development team. You can contact IBM Support if it does not get picked up from this forum.

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