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Attribute Customization using Java api for ValueSet, Condition and Default values

Anurag Patel (21868) | asked Dec 07 '17, 3:40 a.m.


I am trying to create attribute customization using java API for ValueSet and Default valu.
I am refering below url's:

I have created the plugin and deployed  it on server, But I am not able to see the value Set/default values in the Eclipse UI.

Can you please help me why it is not getting in eclipse UI or I am missing some thing.

Thanks in advance.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 07 '17, 3:50 a.m.

Because, as stated in the wiki and the wordpress post you have to DEPLOY IT ON THE CLIENT and the server.

Cite from the wordpress blog:


I ran this in a test environment set up as described here.

The downloadable code contains a feature and an update site project. Follow the Rational Team Concert Extension Workshop and the instructios in the Wiki Article about Attribute Customization to deploy the code on the client and the server.

And the wiki

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