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Attaching custom html / log reports to RQM test cases

Shreejit Nair (1113) | asked Nov 29 '17, 8:46 a.m.

Hi All,

Our testing generates html / execution log reports that we would like to attach to every test run once the results show up on execution of the test case.
Currently RQM only attaches the stdout / stderr logs by it's own. I would like to attach some custom logs as well.
Could anyone please point me in the right direction to achieve this?

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Subhajit Bhuiya (6222) | answered Nov 29 '17, 1:52 p.m.

If you are using commandline script, you can use following command to attach a file with result

echo myfile.txt=C:/Data/myfile.txt >> "%qm_AttachmentsFile%"

Shreejit Nair commented Nov 29 '17, 3:50 p.m.

I am using a shell script and trying to do the following inside it:
echo $MYLOGREPORT=$LOGFILE >>  $qm_AttachmentsFile

I am running this on a remote machine that we have configured  through RQM.
I notice that results detail section has the *.out file but does not include mylogReport

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