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Writing a new Build Engine...

Andrew Harmel-Law (14612218) | asked Sep 27 '09, 7:06 a.m.
retagged May 15 '13, 8:09 a.m. by Morten Madsen (3053250)
Hi there,

I'm looking into writing my own build engine. I have a few questions I hope someone can help me with. They are as follows:

1. I can get my engine to see when a build has been requested and whether it is a scheduled or a personal one. What I want to do however is load the correct workspace if its a personal request. Can I obtain this information from the BuildRequest and if so how?

2. I want to be able to create a change log file from any changes in a build. I can see the change handles (ChangeSetInfo) but I would like to get the actual change details from these. I'm guessing it's not hard, but I can't see how.

That's it for now. I hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Andrew

11 answers

permanent link
Andrew Harmel-Law (14612218) | answered Oct 29 '09, 5:05 a.m.
Superb. I actually saw it in the RSS feed. Look out for a "Pimping ..." version coming soon...

Regs, Andrew

The article on integrating between Hudson and RTC Build is now published at

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