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RRDG load image with relative path

Anh Do (27215) | asked Nov 16 '17, 5:05 a.m.

 Hi team,

Currently I need to load image into RPE with relative path,
For example: "server/templates/picture/logo.png"

How can I give this relative path to RPE template image component?

Thank you

2 answers

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Howard Hsiao (5.5k17) | answered Nov 16 '17, 6:14 a.m.

Once an image is loaded into RPE, the original image is no longer needed as RPE will save the loaded image into its internal Resources folder.
Could you please elaborate what you are trying to achieve?

permanent link
Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Nov 16 '17, 9:13 a.m.
edited Nov 16 '17, 9:14 a.m.

If you are "Loading" the image, you need to browse to the image and load it, which will be included in the RPE document template archive (commonly called RPE template or .dta file).

If you are setting "Content" property for the Image element, it can be either full path to the image file or path relative to the template. The Content can also be set to data attribute (ex. dataSource/artifact/wrappedResourceImageURI)

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