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Mail only go throught clm admin is it possible that mail should go through individual user

Sunny Kumar (531588) | asked Nov 14 '17, 1:05 p.m.

 I am using clm 6.0.2 and configure it with LDAP in this when i create workitem or pass the state of workite mail do only go from clm admin

I want mail should go from individal mail user's id

Accepted answer

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Kenji Sarai (96039) | answered Nov 14 '17, 8:37 p.m.

Hi Gagan,
I don't think it is possible. Email sender is configured in "E-mail From Name", and it is fixed. You cannot change Email sender depending on the context.

You may consider setting up Email notification template to display the user id you want.

Sunny Kumar selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 15 '17, 2:54 a.m.

I agree, this is not possible as in all server based solutions the server uses a technical account to distribute this kind of information. It would be a security breech and otherwise problematic if a server could pretend to be a person and send mails in their name. The information who did the change usually is in the mail content.

Georg Kellner commented Nov 15 '17, 4:42 a.m.

There is a Rational application called ClearQuest, which does exactly what Gagan wants: It uses the mail from the logged in user to send the mail notifications.
And that is the only reasonable way.
Because the user who is changing the owner of an workitem in RTC will get the ooo message directly, if the new owner is away.
No wondering weeks ago, why a workitem didn't change or so.
I think there is a RFE regarding this issue.

Sunny Kumar commented Nov 15 '17, 5:44 a.m.


earlier i am using IBM Change .

that same functionality was also Available in IBM change also.

so it should be in CLM because it is upgraded Application from Change 

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 15 '17, 6:27 a.m. | edited Nov 15 '17, 6:31 a.m.

No, CLM/RTC is not an upgraded version of neither CC/CQ or Synergy/Change. It (RTC) was in fact developed to support agile development and not to be a replacement of any of the aforementioned tools. Ay assumption "Because it was in tool XYZ it has to be in CLM" is basically plain wrong and you should never assume this.

Georg Kellner commented Nov 15 '17, 10:34 a.m.

Of course, RTC isn't a replacement of CQ or Change.
But if you have both systems in parallel (CQ and RTC on our site) the users are confused.
Changing the owner of a CQ record leads to an out of office mail to the editor, and he/she can react (changing the owner, changing the time planning,...).

Changing the owner of a RTC record doesn't lead to an out of office message to the editor, so the editor can't react.

One other answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Nov 15 '17, 5:21 a.m.

The earliest request I found for this is Enhancement Request

I found a couple of later enhancement requests for this as well ... I've marked them to be duplicates of this one.

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