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How do I ensure RQM populates the Environment field in RTC when creating a defect from a failed test?

A S (58532) | asked Nov 06 '17, 1:28 p.m.
edited Nov 07 '17, 2:47 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)

 When creating a defect from a failed test, I see only a few fields.  Environment is not one of the fields visible.  It is a 'Required field' and it is supposed to be picked up from the Test case.  This is preventing the defect from being saved.  My work-around has been to create the defect separately and then connect it to the RQM test case.  This is unnecessarily laborious process. 

What I am looking for is one of 2 options - 

1) Make the Environment field visible so it can be set by the tester
2) Have the RTC Defect pick it up from the same field in the RQM test case.

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Somashakar Kannan (962) | answered Nov 14 '17, 5:07 a.m.


Please see the below question. You can provide your comments in the work item mentioned.

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 14 '17, 5:21 a.m.

The summary being, that this is not supported today.

I would even add, that the worst you can do is to duplicate this kind of data across several tools. This always leads to the need of synchronize changes etc.

You should be able to report across work item links, if the information is interesting in a report. The RTC user can follow the link to the RQM object to look it up if needed.

A S commented Feb 23 '18, 11:30 a.m. | edited Feb 23 '18, 11:35 a.m.

These products are supposed to be integrated and have been set up so a tester can open a Defect from his test case if it fails. The Defect lies in RTC though the test case is in RQM.  Currently because of this 'required' field (we want it that way) that is not showing up in the limited fields visible when creating the defect from RQM, at the same time,  it doesn't allow the tester to save.  So they are currently opening up a second browser window and creating the defect separately.  This is unacceptable in an integrated tool.

When reporting, we are not always reporting to people who have access to RTC or RQM.  They are often management  

How do I separate out Production defects versus UAT defects if this is not supported? 

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 26 '18, 5:45 a.m. | edited Feb 26 '18, 5:46 a.m.

You can create a PMR or Enhancement request.

You can also consider to tune your process so that the work item can be created and the attribute becomes required in a later state.

Unfortunately all integration will always have limitations and customization as you require might be out of scope. The more so, because the integration could be for tools other than RTC.

Reporting is done with tools that can follow links, so I wonder if that would be sufficient.

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