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How to get IBM KC to run as a service

Ron Janssen (215) | asked Oct 02 '17, 9:18 a.m.
edited Oct 02 '17, 9:20 a.m.


We are running CLM 604. Since servers don't have access to the internet, we installed Knowledge Center on a intranetserver. I tried to use prunsrv.exe to create a "IBM_KC" service to execute startKC.bat and stopKC.bat as a service.
The service is created and startKC.bat executes when the service is started, but as soon as KC (javaw.exe) is up and running, the service terminates. Only the service stops!; javaw keeps running and the KC website is fully operational. But stopping KC via the Windows Server services applet is not possible now.
As a application manager, I'm able to stop and start application related services. But i dont have access to the server to initiate the batch programs themself.

How can I run KC (startKC and stopKC) as a windows service?

Hope I use this forum correctly, if not... please accept my apologies.

Greets, Ron

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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered Oct 02 '17, 7:03 p.m.

I assume you run the knowledge Center from Liberty. If so have a look at this forum post:
How to start WAS Liberty as a Windows service for CLM 6.0.1

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