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RQMExcelImporter - how to set testcase.priority from value in spreadsheet column

Ali Duff (174) | asked Jul 13 '17, 5:43 a.m.

Hi - I am trying to work out how to specify the testcase.priority="literal.priority.nnn" value in the config file to lookup the test case column in the Excel file as each test case has a different priority. Can someone please advise how to enter this into the config file? I've tried testcase.priority=H - where column H in the spreadsheet has "literal.priority.130", but it ignores it.

Using v4.0.1.9368 of the importer tool.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jul 13 '17, 7:58 p.m.

Hi Ali

The way you set priority in cfg and xls files look correct.
If you go to ExcelImporter installed Samples Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.xls/
Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.cfg, you will find the same priority is defined there.
v4.0.1.9368 seems quite old. What version of RQM do you have? if it is not v4.x RQM, you may want to install the correspondent version of ExcelImporter and try the Sample Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.xls and see if it works for you first.

Ali Duff selected this answer as the correct answer

Ali Duff commented Jul 13 '17, 8:05 p.m. | edited Jul 13 '17, 8:05 p.m.

Thanks! I'll go and check out the sample and see. Yes we are using an old version of the importer, I suspect you may be right about the version conflict. It looks like we are using the web gui on RQM v6. If we cant get it working then I'll see about the possiblity of getting a newer version of the tool packaged and deployed by our corporate deployment team :)

Don Yang commented Jul 13 '17, 8:10 p.m.

If you are with v6.x RQM, I would suggest to try with RQMExcelImporter 6.0.4:

v4.0.1 ExcelImporter is too old for v6.x RQM and I guess the API compatibility is a concern.

Ali Duff commented Jul 13 '17, 8:16 p.m.

Drats - I've had a look at the samples I have access to and don't have the "AllInOne" one's you mentioned, and none of the ones that are there include Priority. Is there anywhere else I can get it from while I see if we can get a newer version of the importer tool?  

Don Yang commented Jul 13 '17, 8:35 p.m. | edited Jul 13 '17, 8:36 p.m.

I am not aware of anywhere to download the samples as it is a part of the installation. If allinone is not there, I suspect priority is not yet supported in the version you are using hence even using the samples in your version, it will get the same result as you got now(as the syntax is not wrong in your own use and it does not work for you).

Ali Duff commented Jul 14 '17, 5:15 p.m.

Hi Don - I've found it :) I installed a newer version onto a virtual PC so I could see the format in both the config file and the excel file. With all the different ways I'd tried to configure it, I obviously didn't try the one way that worked. All I had to do was removed the double quotes from the "literal.priority.130" in Excel and its working now - wohoo! I have hundreds of test cases to import so it's great I don't have to go through and manually update them. Thanks so much for your help.

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