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Copying RTC Stream from V4.0 environment to V6.0 environment

Sukhpal Biran (1112) | asked Jul 10 '17, 10:00 a.m.
We have a old project which is on a different RTC server / hardware (V4.0) and I would like to copy part of a component stream to a new RTC server / hardware (V6.0). Can this be done via the UI and exporting / importing content between the 2 different RTC versions?
At the moment we had no plans to move those old projects to the new server so eventually they will no longer be supported on the new project is released. This basically means we had no plan to migrate the DB between V4 to V5 and then V5 to V6.

Any help appreciated!!

Thanks, Sukhpal.

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 10 '17, 10:28 a.m.

You can basically export the content of a baseline and import it in the new server. it is possible to import multiple baselines over each other. You loose the history.

If you have the same RTC version you can use distributed SCM. See

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Sukhpal Biran (1112) | answered Jul 10 '17, 11:50 a.m.

Hi, in my RTC v4.0, I can see the baseline but unable to find the option to export it and then the option within my RTC v6.0 to import it. I am OK not having the history once imported in RTC v6.0 since I can obtain this from RTC v4.0.

Is this option perhaps only done as the system administrator and no normal user?

Thanks, Sukhpal.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 10 '17, 11:56 a.m.

With 4.0 you load the repository workspace to disk. Then you disconnect it from SCM. You import the projects into the RTC 6.0 Eclipse workspace then you share the files with RTC to import the stuff for the baseline. Create a snapshot for the version.

To import a newer baseline over it, you unload and empty the RTC 6 workspace. You repeat what you already did for the newer baseline from RTC 4 import again and share again.

You don't get all the history, but you get some baselines that are in a way that allows you to start working and be able to use SCM.

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Sukhpal Biran (1112) | answered Jul 10 '17, 12:12 p.m.

 Thank you Ralph and I assume this can't be done without using Eclipse?

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 10 '17, 12:14 p.m. | edited Jul 10 '17, 12:15 p.m.

You need a client that can do load and share, so the SCM commandline, the Eclipse or the Visual Studio Client would do. Maybe even the MS Shell integration. Note you need two of those on with Version 4.x and one with 6.x since a 4.x client can't talk to a 6.x server.

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