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Testcase count during excel export

SANU PANJI (1315) | asked Jun 10 '17, 5:21 a.m.

Hi, is there anyway to find out how many testcase successfully export to RQM using excel utility?

It would be very beneficial if a popup come out with the count of successful testcase I just export to RQM after each export complete.
Is there anyway?

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jun 12 '17, 5:52 a.m.

No, I don't think there is any option in ExcelImporter to provide this kind of feature.
In the Export RQM dialog, you may manually count how many "Sending Testcase x names xxx" and if it failed, you would see error right under that. so the successful count should be whole counts deducted from the failed counts.
Another way is in the target RQM project, go to browse test case and check with Modified column, usually the newly exported test case timestamp will be 1 min ago and counting them would know how many are successfully exported.

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