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Issue in importing TC, TS, and TCER into RQM 6.0.3 using Excel Import Utility

Nadra Rafee (45927) | asked Jun 08 '17, 1:05 a.m.
edited Jun 08 '17, 6:54 a.m.

Tools used: RQM 6.0.3, Excel 2013, Import Utility 6.0.3, .Net Framework 4.5
Test artifacts consist of Test Cases, Test Scripts, and Test execution Results all in one Excel file.
To verify the RQM Import utility, I have used the following sample Excel and Config files:

  • Scripts that create testcases with TCER.xls
  • Scripts that create testcases with TCER.cfg
Using the RQM utility, I have generated the set of XML files for the test cases, test scripts, and test execution results.
I have the following questions:
  • Do I need to import the test case and test script separately then add the imported test script to the test case in RQM test case window?
  • What about the execution record? how to import them and ensure they are linked?
  • Is this the right config file to use?
  • What is meant by the execution work items generated? link to RTC work items?

I had the expectation that if I import the test case, it should automatically import the test script (or test steps) and execution results associated with each step along with the pass/fail status for each step. But that did not happen.

Can you please outline the procedure to follow? Thank you.

Accepted answer

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jun 09 '17, 2:13 a.m.

Hi, Nadra

When you open Scripts that create testcases with TCER.xls, go to Addin > RQM > Export to Repository
(instead of export to file which you are seeing those files and worrying about the link etc)
Then in the Export To RQM dialog, filling the right RQM repository info
such as RQM server: https://yourserver:port/qm
Enter User Name and Password, then you should be able to see the project area list, select the project you want to Export those artifacts to, then click 'Export', once completed with no problem, you should see them in the project
and the tool will take care of the link itself.(as you are trying the sample, cfg file has done those for you)

I hope this helps.

Nadra Rafee selected this answer as the correct answer

Nadra Rafee commented Jun 09 '17, 11:10 a.m.

Thank you Don for the information. I have followed these steps and was able to see better result by importing into the repository with the same config file,
However, I did not see the actual results per test step. I only saw the execution record for the test case not at the test script level.
Can you please clarify how to import the actual test results at the test step level (not test case level)?

Thank you for your help.

Don Yang commented Jun 11 '17, 9:15 p.m.

You may want to refer to Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.xls and Testplan_Testcase_Testscript_TER_Environment_Iteration_AllInOne.cfg for the sample on how to export step results and overall result into RQM.

One other answer

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Stefan Albinsson (1663) | answered Jun 08 '17, 3:32 a.m.

 Firstly, you need to have the corresponding version to 6.0.3 for the Excel plugin. Uninstall the current and add the new one:

Nadra Rafee commented Jun 08 '17, 7:03 a.m.

I am using the version of the Plugin. I was referring to .Net framework 4.5.

Nadra Rafee commented Jun 08 '17, 3:08 p.m.

I still have an issue with the execution record import .. any support would be helpful !!

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