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Not able to make Restricted Access attribute mandatory

Pankaj Kumar (17216) | asked Jun 07 '17, 1:05 a.m.
edited Jun 07 '17, 1:08 a.m.

Hello All,

I am using RTC 6.0.3 and i am trying to make "Restricted Access" attribute Mandatory but i am not able to see the attribute itself in the list during selection of attributes under precondition i.e Required Attributes For Type and State and attribute is available in editor presentation.
Actually I have created some access group but Restricted Access attribute by default taking project area level access. So is there any procedure to make custom access group as default value for Restricted access attribute.

Please share your thoughts.

Pankaj Kumar

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 07 '17, 4:02 a.m.
edited Jun 07 '17, 4:03 a.m.

 I see the same. I am not able to configure restricted access anywhere as a required attribute. I tried "Required for Type and State" and "Required for Condition ". 

The problem might be, that restricted access actually has a default value (the project area) that is not an unassigned value. So there is no unassigned default value that could be used to distinguish between unassigned and assigned.   

Currently the only chance you have is to create a custom advisor that checks that the context is not set to something you consider unassigned. I would suggest to file an enhancement request for for it. 

Pankaj Kumar selected this answer as the correct answer

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