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RTC ClearCase CMI integration, how to keep user authentication in sync when user changes their password

Namit Pande (6311319) | asked May 18 '17, 2:14 p.m.

Hello All,

We have just recently started using RTC ClearCase (UCM) CMI integration to associate ClearCase checkouts to the RTC work items on one of our production project as pilot. We currently have clm 6.0.1 and ClearCase 9.0 all windows environment. In order to store the RTC connection on user's machine, I am running the command:
cmiregister add -rtc -name RTCPROV -username <UserName> -password <Password>

Problem is that it works until the user changes the password (per department policy) and it quits. Users need to run the cmiregister replace-rtc -name RTCPROV -username DOHUserName -password DOHPassword to re-establish the integration. Do do this step for the end user to remember and perform on each password change feels sloppy.

How are others handling this scenario? I have a feeling that I may have missed something obvious. Please help. Thanks. 


Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered May 19 '17, 2:23 a.m.

 I would assume, that usually enterprises use the same LDAP system for all tools and therefore a user changes the password for all tools.

Namit Pande selected this answer as the correct answer

Namit Pande commented May 19 '17, 7:15 a.m.

Thanks Ralph, however users have been using UCM (CQ/CC) integration and did not deal with the issue before. I was hoping if there was a solution that was more autonomous where users did not have to deal with it.

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