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How to diagnose misconfigurations or network issues when RM rejects what seem to be valid RDNG Analyst Tokens?

Lonnie VanZandt (88717) | asked May 16 '17, 4:48 p.m.

When attempting to perform RM project operations, while licensed through a Rational Token License Server, when the user has been granted access to the RDNG Analyst Token license, we encounter the rejection "the server does not permit the operation" and the Detail shows:

ID CRRRW7558E  The message that follows might indicate why the server does not permit the operation. To troubleshoot this issue, ask your server administrator to check the server configuration. For more information about the cause of the error, check the message details. Also, ensure that the required licenses are installed and activated, and that they have not expired. To check your licenses, from the Jazz Team Server administration pages, click Server > License Key Management. If you have correct and up-to-date licenses and are an administrator, check the file in the /server/conf/rm directory to ensure that the file contains the correct server name and port number. If you are not an administrator, ask a server administrator to check the file.


Error 403: Forbidden

An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=400. Message: Internal error Current User:

Reviewing the /opt/IBM/Jazz rm.log file:
017-05-16 17:48:40,589 [    Default Executor-thread-86]  INFO m.rdm.fronting.server.license.ILicenseCheckService  - An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=400.  Message: Internal error
Current User:
2017-05-16 17:48:40,920 [    Default Executor-thread-98]  INFO m.rdm.fronting.server.license.ILicenseCheckService  - An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=400.  Message: Internal error
Current User:
How can an administrator diagnose this further to determine why what appear to be legitimate tokens from an IBM Rational Token License Server are not accepted by the RM License Check Service?

2 answers

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Bas Bekker (1.4k4) | answered May 16 '17, 5:39 p.m.

Token licenses are managed through the JTS license service.
So check if the licenses are available under the <your jts server>/jts/admin > server tab > license key administration, and at the bottom of that page you can see the status of license key server that manages the token licenses.
Also check the if there are any related messages in jts.log that point at an issue.

permanent link
Lonnie VanZandt (88717) | answered May 16 '17, 6:39 p.m.

 The jts.log was not helpful. However, the advice to recheck the License Administration page and its settings proved to be effective.

Despite all the positive green lights that servers are accessible and that tokens are available and that users have been granted tokens, the "IBM Rational Common Licensing Service" setting way down at the bottom was missing the entry for the actual FlexLM (IBM Rational Token License Server) port@hostname.

QED: Check every field over and over and do not rely on Green indicators to assume that the licensing has been entirely provisioned.

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