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RIODS tables/views do not exits after upgrade from 6.0.1 to 6.0.3. Do I just re-run the repotools-ccm -createWarehouse again?

Michael Johnson (44718) | asked May 15 '17, 8:26 p.m.

I upgraded RTC from 6.0.1 to 6.0.3.  

The system testers report that they can no longer get any data from JRS.
The only errors that I see are:
RIODS.Team_Resource_Lookup table/view does not exist.


RIODS.Request_Category_Team_Lookup table/view does not exist.

This is on Win Server 2008.  IBM WAS  
Derby database.  Using JTS, RM, QM, JRS, DCC, CCM.

We are not using LQE.  Not sure what that even provides...

Michael Johnson commented May 15 '17, 8:39 p.m.

 Is it possible that the fact we are NOT using LQE is the cause of this?  If so, why did it not manifest itself in earlier versions?  Is it something we can just install now (this late in the game)?

2 answers

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Kenji Sarai (96039) | answered May 16 '17, 12:42 a.m.

Hi Michael,

RTC / JRS 6.0.3 still supports DW reporting. First thing you need to check is the data source location. Open Report Builder,  go to Admin > Data source, and make sure you have Data warehouse SQL connection, and its data source location is "//localhost:1527/conf/jts/derby/warehouseDB" (by default). The error message sounds like there is a derby database but no schema for DW is defined. So I am afraid you are connecting to RTC database, not DW database. Unless you lost DW database ([JazzTeamServer]/conf/jts/derby/warehouseDB), you do not need to recreate a new database, but just pointing to the correct DW database path.

Michael Johnson commented May 17 '17, 8:07 a.m.

Hey Kenji,  Thanks for the quick response. 

I checked the data source location and all appears correct and matches what you specified.  Almost all of the data collection jobs finish successfully with the exception of:

- Change and Configuration Management - Work Item Metrics

- Jazz Foundation Services - Project Area (Part 1)

- Jazz Foundation Services - Core

These 3 jobs fail - it seems - due to tables/views not existing.  All other jobs seem to run just fine.  Very odd.  I have rerun the jobs multiple times, with no success. 

Kenji Sarai commented May 18 '17, 2:52 a.m.

Hi Michael,

It appears the only few parts of DW schemas are missing. I think the table/view schemas newly added in 6.0.3 are missing. During the upgrade, there are scripts to update the configuration files and update the databases and data warehouse schemas to version 6.0.3 such as
> upgrade\dcc\dcc_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome "\server\conf"
> upgrade\rs\rs_upgrade.bat -oldApplicationHome "\server\conf"

Please review the instruction in Interactive upgrade guide if there are missing steps.

If you still have /conf/jts/derby/warehouseDB backup for 6.0.1, try to run these scripts again to upgrade it to 6.0.3 (ensure to keep the original backup).

Michael Johnson commented May 18 '17, 8:20 a.m.

Hey Kenji,

Thanks so much for the guidance.  I do still have the 6.0.1 backup.  I will look over my steps and try to determine what went wrong and then run the scripts again. 

I will post back and let you know the outcome.



Michael Johnson commented Jun 04 '17, 10:46 a.m.

Hey Kenji,

I re-ran the scripts as you suggested and see no change at all.  The same ETL Jobs are failing.  I am at a bit of a loss as what to do.  
Can I re-run all of the steps?  Will this over-write data that is already present?  

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Michael Johnson (44718) | answered Jun 25 '17, 1:38 p.m.

 There seems to have been a bit of corruption that occurred during the upgrade process.  I have run several repotools commands:

- create tables
- reindex
- recreateTextIndices

Nothing I tried seemed to have any effect on the errors.  I am chalking this up to an expensive lesson in upgrading.  Although I am not sure what I would have done different in the procedures.  

However, my answer to this question is this:
Ensure you have a good post-test process that exercises all parts of the system before informing production that all is good to go.  A simple re-running of the DCC jobs would have alerted me to the failures.  As this is on a completely virtualized environment, all I would have had to do is swallow my pride, copy over the log files onto a different machine (for post mortem analysis) and revert the snapshots that I taken at the beginning of the process.  

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