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Displaying a warning message on RTC WebUI

Jérôme de Vivie (52) | asked May 12 '17, 9:42 a.m.

I would like to display a warning message if some conditions on a workitem are not fullfilled.

I have wrote an "operationParticipant" plugin on Save operation but the message is not displayed. If i raise the severity to error, the message is displayed but... the workitem is not saved. I was not expecting this behaviour for followup action.

Is there a way to display a warning message using IReportInfo ? If no, would an attribute validation plugin could do the job on the WebUI client ?

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered May 15 '17, 5:34 a.m.
edited May 15 '17, 5:36 a.m.
As far as I can tell, there is no way to create custom messages in the UI other than
1. Using attribute customization validators. The warning/error messages only show as icon in front of the attribute. Only errors prevent saving and the error message shows the attribute that fails as far as I remember.
2. Advisors - are custom Java extensions that act as preconditions to govern the process. The error message happens on save and shows in the UI. Code is pretty much similar to follow up actions, except the class to return the information to the UI thread.
3. Follow up action/participants can also prevent saving and show an error the same way.

The error is shown in the Web UI in the top middle section. In the Eclipse and Visual Studio UI, there is a special "Team Advisor" error view that shows these details.
Jérôme de Vivie selected this answer as the correct answer

Jérôme de Vivie commented May 15 '17, 5:46 a.m.

Thank you Ralph,

So warning is not possible in the top middle in the Web UI. If i develop an attribute customization validator, will users get this warning icon after a save, pls ?

Ralph Schoon commented May 15 '17, 6:06 a.m.

 No, cite: 

1. Using attribute customization validators. The warning/error messages only show as icon in front of the attribute. Only errors prevent saving and the error message shows the attribute that fails as far as I remember. 

Error message location is due to the advisor configured for the validation, shows after the save in the top middle and error and warning icons are shown at the individual attributes.

Jérôme de Vivie commented May 15 '17, 10:11 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

I have done some experiments:

  • With a java based attribute customization validators plugin, i am not able to display any icon in front of the attribute (returning either a warning or an error) on the WebUI.
  • If i raise an error with this attribute customization validators plugin, the message is displayed in the top middle of the UI (like in Advisor or FollowUp plugin). But error prevents save to complete. I really need a warning instead.
  • Displaying icons with a message in front of the attribute works using javascript API but this API is too limited for my need.

I have reached the conclusion that i am not able to display a warning in the WebUI using a server plugin.

Ralph Schoon commented May 15 '17, 10:34 a.m.

Java based attribute customization works exactly the same way the JavaScript attribute customization works. The JavaScript runs in a context derived from that extension point as far as i know. I think I played around with it and it worked for me:

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