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How do I use the RTC-Client-plainJava source and JavaDoc that is in RTC-SDK-Client-6.0.3?

Keith Eberhard (19114) | asked May 09 '17, 11:18 a.m.

I have RTC 6.0.3 and RTC-SDK-Client-6.0.3 installed on Eclipse 4.6.3 (Neon 3). The RTC-Client-plainJavaLib-6.0.3 is in the projects build path. How do I link to the plain java JavaDoc and the plain java source that is in RTC-SDK-Client-6.0.3 so that I can see a plain java class description on a mouse hover in the code and to step into the plain java class code during debug.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered May 09 '17, 1:02 p.m.
edited May 09 '17, 1:20 p.m.

See and

As a summary: You basically follow the latest extensions workshop: and perform Lab1.
In addition to lab 1 you create the user library for the Plain Java Cient Libraries you already installed during the setup.
See  section Setting Up The Plain Java Client Libraries and the following sections.

You use a plug in project to be able to prick the PDE to show you the source of the plain javaclient libraries from the SDK by making sure the order of the SDK and the user library is correct.

Keith Eberhard commented May 09 '17, 2:39 p.m.

Our project is not a plugin project. Do you mean to add another project that is a plugin project. Please give more details of the steps to take in the plugin project.

Ralph Schoon commented May 09 '17, 2:45 p.m. | edited May 09 '17, 2:46 p.m.

As written in the blog posts, you make the project a plugin project to trick the PDE into showing you the code. It does not matter how you deploy it later.
You can launch the main class and debug. The only inconvenience is to have to add the dependencies to the plugin.xml. However, you can see all the SDK source code as a bonus.

Read the blog posts if you want more details.

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