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RTC Story Burndown Report Question

Vijay Sivashankar (111317) | asked May 04 '17, 4:22 p.m.

I am using the built in RTC Story burndown reports. Some times, we end a sprint with technical debt. I want to be able to monitor and make sure the technical debt is taken down in the next sprint.

The problem I have is, the datasnap shot stop one day after the sprint end date. So I am unable to see the technical debt take down. 

What can I do, so that I force the datasnap shot to be taken even after the iteration is over?

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered May 05 '17, 4:46 a.m.
edited May 05 '17, 4:49 a.m.

I am not quite sure what you mean with the datasnap being forced after the iteration ends. The iteration is done and an iteration burndown only considers work done during that iteration. Work done after the iteration will not show up in the iteration.  

You want to plan the technical dept for the next sprint, execute the work there and see its execution in that sprint burndown.

Vijay Sivashankar commented May 05 '17, 8:55 a.m.

 We are carrying the technical debt to the next sprint, but the story points for technical debt gets added to the new work for the next sprint.

We want to be able to see the technical debt is taken down as a top priority, so we have asked the teams to continue to update the previous sprint as well until they get to 0 remaining points.

Geoffrey Clemm commented May 05 '17, 5:22 p.m.

I would not recommend using that approach.   This requires the team to be working against two plans ... one for the previous sprint and one for the current sprint.   It also makes it hard for you to use some of the built-in widgets, that depend on there being a single "current" iteration.   Instead, I would recommend using the approach described by Ralph of having those technical debt items planned for the current iteration ... if you want those items done first, just rank them highest in the plan.

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