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Configuring Node for Git and RTC

Sany Maamari (13243851) | asked May 03 '17, 11:21 a.m.
retagged May 11 '17, 9:34 a.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)

Hello all, 

I'm trying to integrate git with RTC, I've followed the multiple guides to do this integration

When installation is done: 
Meaning node config.json is configured
A git repo is created in rtc and the git config is modified with the repourl and repokey
the hooks are copied and changed and put in the git hooks directory

when trying to clone the git repo with 
git clone http://:9999/git/demo.git

I get this error
fatal: unable to access 'http://:9999/git/demo.git/': The requested URL returned error: 500

Is this a known issue, is there an easy way to solve it ? 
Thank you for your answers

Accepted answer

permanent link
Shubjit Naik (1.5k1613) | answered May 03 '17, 12:52 p.m.
edited May 03 '17, 12:54 p.m.

Hi Sany

config.json needs to be configured to the same user registry as RTC
If you have configured RTC URL for Authentication in config.json, you need to change RTC Authentication method from FORM to BASIC.

Adding articles from Jazz Wiki that might help"


Sany Maamari selected this answer as the correct answer

Sany Maamari commented May 04 '17, 3:27 a.m.

 Thank you it actually worked, but there is no reference to this step in the article you've send me and that I followed step by step

Shubjit Naik commented May 04 '17, 3:38 a.m.

Hi Sany

Thanks for confirming. Glad that you got the integration working.

It is mentioned in the pre-requisite of the article. Maybe we should add it with further details under point 4 of config.json. 

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