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Report Builder : X-Axis text overlaps when report is added to dashboards

Venkatesh Prasad (21923) | asked May 02 '17, 3:41 a.m.

Hello All,

After building the report using report builder (v6.0.1), I added the graph to the dashboard in CLM, and I see that the text in x-axis is overlapping. I see that this will happen if there are many items in the x-axis (say 15 or more items). For example, in x-axis, if there are 20 names of employees, then the names will display as overlapped on eachother.
One way to workaround this is by maximising the widget screen and again minimising it. The other way is to change the layout in the dashboard tab to display only 1 graph in one line, but this will still display the same problem.
We cannot go to client with workarounds as they need a full fledged working graph without these issues.
Is this is defect in the product? How do we resolve this.

Venkatesh Prasad

Accepted answer

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Kenji Sarai (96039) | answered May 02 '17, 6:05 a.m.

Hi Venkatesh,

I think this problem is registered as a defect, and fixed in version 6.0.3.

Perhaps you can test it in which is version 6.0.4 M4 now. Of course you cannot control the data here, so choose the data as x-axis which has diverse results. Give it a try. 

Venkatesh Prasad selected this answer as the correct answer

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