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Creation of Artifact programmatically in a Project Area

Vaibhav S (106354) | asked Mar 24 '17, 6:28 a.m.
edited Mar 24 '17, 6:29 a.m.

I need to create an Artifact and set the Attributes programmatically (both) in a Project Area.

Any library to do so.

Please let me know


One answer

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Vaibhav S (106354) | answered Mar 28 '17, 7:47 a.m.
edited Mar 31 '17, 1:18 a.m.

I created the below code to accomplish the task. PFB the code:

String rtcURL = "https://*****";

        String user = "**";
        String pass = "***";

        JazzRootServicesHelper helper = new JazzRootServicesHelper(rtcURL, OSLCConstants.OSLC_RM_V2);

        JazzFormAuthClient client = helper.initFormClient(user, pass, "https://

        if (client.formLogin() == 200)
            System.out.println("Login SUCCESS!");

        String catalogUrl = helper.getCatalogUrl();

        String serviceProviderUrl = client.lookupServiceProviderUrl(catalogUrl, "TestProjectFromOSLCCode");

        String requirementFactory = client.lookupCreationFactory(serviceProviderUrl, OSLCConstants.OSLC_RM_V2,

         URI uri = new URI("https://

        // ******

        ResourceShape featureInstanceShape = RmUtil.lookupRequirementsInstanceShapes(serviceProviderUrl,
                OSLCConstants.OSLC_RM_V2, OSLCConstants.RM_REQUIREMENT_TYPE, client, "Requirement");

        Requirement requirement = new Requirement();
        requirement.setTitle("Test Artifact Using Code001");
        requirement.setDescription("Test Artifact Using Code");

        String primaryText = "Test Primary Text";
        org.w3c.dom.Element obj = RmUtil.convertStringToHTML(primaryText);

        requirement.getExtendedProperties().put(RmConstants.PROPERTY_PRIMARY_TEXT, obj);

        ClientResponse response = client.createResource(requirementFactory, requirement,
                OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML, OslcMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML);
          if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {


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