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Can't run RQMCopyUtil

tong yulong (647) | asked Mar 22 '17, 1:53 a.m.

My RQMCopyUtil version is "RQM-Extras-RQMCopyUtil-6.0.3",my old RQM version is 6,and new RQM version is 603.

below is my command: java -jar -Xmx1024m RQMCopyUtility.jar -s="" -pws=** -d="" -pwd=** -l=importlog_RBD.txt -pl=progresslog_RBDpl.txt -c=progresslog_RBDc.txt -f -a=builddefinition,buildrecord,configuration,channel,datapool,executionresult,executionsequence,executionsequenceresult,executionworkitem,keyword,labresource,objective,remotescript,request,reservation,resourcegroup,suiteexecutionrecord,template,testcase,testcell,testphase,testplan,testscript,testsuite,testsuitelog

below is the error log:
22 Mar 2017 10:47:03,353+0800 [main] ERROR Unable to read source and destination from log file 22 Mar 2017 10:47:03,355+0800 [main] ERROR Source and destination of progress file does not match that of arguments!

By the way,I got 501 error when I open "" and "" in the browser,does that caused by permission?

One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 22 '17, 5:26 a.m.

If you can't access RQM in a browser, the RQM Copy Utility will not work either. It appears to me the RQM server is down, not a permission issue.

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