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Regular snapshot comparison with current plan wrongly showing some of the work items(resolved) under removed items.

viswanath janakiraman (81224) | asked Mar 20 '17, 2:37 a.m.
edited Mar 20 '17, 5:44 a.m.

 Hi team ,

For the iteration plan type , I have created regular snapshot . After some weeks passed i did comparison between the Current plan and regular snapshot which i created a week before. I see some work items (resolved state) are under removed items . I didn't remove the work item from plan rather i changed the states to resolved. I think this is strange behavior of the  snapshot comparison . Could anyone advise me on this  issue please .

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Mar 20 '17, 9:18 p.m.

Between the current plan and the snapshot, if I only changed the work item to "Resolved" but did not change anything else in the plan, I could see the resolved work item in the "Modified Items".

However I could see the resolved work items in the "Removed Items" when:
- the resolved work item's planned for is another iteration, but it lis linked to a work item in the current iteration
- the plan view when you took the snapshot is displayed as a tree view which could show the work items of other iterations
- the current plan view could not show the work items of other iterations.
Then when you compare them, the workitems of other iterations are listed in "Removed Items".

So could you please check if those resolved work items are planned for the current iteration? Have you changed the plan view mode? What's your RTC version?

viswanath janakiraman commented Mar 21 '17, 8:48 a.m. | edited Mar 21 '17, 8:58 a.m.

 Hi Lily ,

Thanks for your response. 

We are in RTC 6.0.2 and all the work items are planned for the current iteration i am sure that are not from another iteration. 

After analyzing we came to know that option "Fetch children on demand" if enabled in plan view influencing the snapshot comparison . But after expanding the work items (loading all work items) in planned items tab (not in snapshot tab) if you compare again it shows right numbers. 

Irrespective of the option selected in plan view the snapshot should compare with current plan whereas the snapshot comparison depended on the option selected by default.


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