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RQM Error Points allocation

Leesen Padayachee (9962120) | asked Mar 14 '17, 8:50 a.m.


We are using CLM 6.0, please let me know if this is a known bug:

When running TCER's in a test plan, points are allocated to passed and failed TCER's. Other results such as blocked and error should not be allocated points. So for e.g, in the status bar on the top of a test plan, if I have 10 TCER's with 5 passed, 3 fail and 2 blocked, the progress for TCER's should show 8 out of 10.

I have found that some of our blocked and error TCER's are being allocated a point which is causing that widget to be incorrect. After further investigation I see that if I run a TCER and pass a single step, but then continue to block all other steps, that TCER get allocated a point, BUT if I run a TCER and block all steps, that TCER gets allocated 0 points. This is very inconsistent because both have final results of Blocked, but one of the TCER's has 1 point allocated because of a single passed step during execution.

Please let me know if this is a bug and if a fix is available.


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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Mar 14 '17, 9:32 p.m.
edited Mar 14 '17, 9:33 p.m.

Hi, Leesen

I don't think this is a bug in RQM's test plan's TCER progress bar calculation.
In another post you referred to, the calculation is based on whole TCER point set as 1. So I assume that
when it is blocked status, there is no passed point assigned hence the progress bar won't count the blocked TCERs.

From the description in this post, it seems to me that the whole points are equal to the step amount, if you have 5 steps, you allocate 5 points. To be more precise, it is weight distribution matters(Passed and Failed points) to the TCER progress calculation in test plan. If you have 1 point for each step and you have 1 step passed and others blocked or error, then the passed point will be set as 1. If you have 1 point for whole steps and only passed 1 step out of 5 steps(for example), then the passed ratio is only 0.2 point and will be round off. If passed 3 steps of 5 steps, then you will get 0.6 points of passed in this case and it will be round up and get 1 point passed in weight distribution even though you see the result status is Error or Blocked. Then this passed point will be counted in TCER progress bar calculation. So it depends on how many points you set to the TCER's weight and how many steps you have got in your script and the ratio of passed/failed steps in the result, the passed/failed points in weight distribution will be different and TCER progress bar will show that result at the end.
I hope this clarifies a bit further.

Leesen Padayachee commented Mar 16 '17, 5:56 a.m.

 Hi Don

We have many varying test scripts with numerous steps, therefore we wanted to use 1 point per test case to track the execution. How can weight distribution be set before execution takes place?


Don Yang commented Mar 16 '17, 7:15 p.m.

If I understand your question properly, you want to set weight as 1 for each test case regardless the steps. You can go to TCER and set weight to 1 in Summary section. When you set 1 point here, the passed/failed step will be calculated over the overall steps for example 3 passed/failed in 5 steps of script and you will get 1 point for passed/failed as a result(round up) and you will see that in plan's TCER progress bar.

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