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AND Condition not working on RQM REST API

Julian Hemm (58616) | asked Feb 27 '17, 4:00 a.m.


I have a Testcase named "tbf" with a description "abc".

I want to find by Title AND Description using REST API.
Doing the following call:


which decoded is

https://server/qm/service/[title='tbf' and description='xs']

As I am searching for the wrong description text, so I would expect not to get the Testcase as a Result.
Instead, I get any Testcases with the Title "tbf"
Name Uniqueness is disabled.
According to the wiki, it should work like that

?fields=feed/entry/content/testplan[title='test plan title' and description!='test plan description']/(title|description|testcase)
Include the title, description, and test case properties of the test plan(s) with a title property equal to 'test plan title' and a description property not equal to 'test plan description'.

Any idea of what I might do wrong?
Thank you!
Version: 6.0.3

Accepted answer

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Mar 01 '17, 6:33 a.m.
Julian Hemm selected this answer as the correct answer

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