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Is there a way to copy the URLs of a group of work items from a plan in RTC 6.0.3?

Jamie Berry (14014196) | asked Feb 09 '17, 10:54 a.m.

 I have a user who works primarily in the Eclipse interface.  In older versions of RTC, he was able to view the work item plans in Eclipse and it provided him the ability to select multiple work items and use Copy URL to copy nicely formatted hyperlinks to the selected work items.  He would then take this and paste it into an email to send out to people. As far as I can tell, there is no option to do this in the Web.  You can copy the URL for single work items when viewing them in the web, but any mass copy seems to be missing.  In Eclipse, the Copy URL is still available from work item query results.  

Does anyone know of a way to do the Copy URL functionality from a plan?  The only option I have been able to think to offer him is to have him create a view that returns the same work items as in his plan, then he can copy from that.  Not ideal as he wants this while looking at his plan items...


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