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How to get more information in RTC about edits?

Benjamin Maier (3339) | asked Jan 24 '17, 8:12 a.m.
edited Jan 24 '17, 8:13 a.m.


We are currently trying to simplify some things.. We want to see this in a simple and quick overview:
1.  We take a look at a component in source control and want to see in which work items it got edited.
2.  We take a look at a work item or sprint and want to see which data in source control is affected.
3. To have a simple overview over all editors of one component.

The REST API doesnt help me with this, and the built-in reporting tool and JRS doesnt seem to fit, too.
Any suggestions? Did I miss something? We use version 6.0.2.


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jan 24 '17, 9:25 a.m.
  1. Component is in a stream or repository workspace. Click component and compare current state with a prior baseline. See the work items in the diff - provided the changes are always connected to a work item.
  2. Look at work item, link in link section ad see connected work items.

    The SCM Command Line can provide a lot of the information, assuming the sensible baselines are created.

Benjamin Maier commented Jan 24 '17, 10:20 a.m. | edited Jan 24 '17, 10:38 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

So I understand it, that there is no possibility to query this information via an API somehow and it is better to do it the manual way?

EDIT: So we dont have to click through the path, but be able to see quickly, for example: example.jar -> edited in work item 1224, 1231, 1557
or: work item 1235: affected example.jar, example2.jar, readme.txt


Ralph Schoon commented Jan 24 '17, 10:39 a.m.

APIs is always cost. How much do you want to spend? You can use the SCM Command Line, which needs scripting and effort like APIs do.

For various things the Java API would be an approach. Start here: there are tons of examples on my blog, including SCM and work item to change set links. There is a reportable rest API and 6.0.3 starts providing SCM related reporting. 

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