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During fetching Owner Name Getting the value of repository as null

Girish Jangame (1118) | asked Jan 17 '17, 4:52 a.m.
edited Jan 17 '17, 4:54 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)
I want to fetch the owner name and ID.Here am getting value of repository as null following is my code.

  IProjectAreaHandle projectArea = workItem.getProjectArea();
 ITeamRepository repository=(ITeamRepository) projectArea.getOrigin();
 IContributorHandle iContributorHandle = workItem.getOwner(); 
 IContributor iContributor=(IContributor)repository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(iContributorHandle, 
                 IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor); 

please let me know how to get the repository.

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