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how to hide custom tab from eclipse client

vineeth vp (637) | asked Jan 10 '17, 12:42 a.m.
edited Jan 10 '17, 12:54 a.m.

I need to hide the custom tab from some of the WI.
Could you please let us know, how to do so.

This Custom tab is hide in WEB UI but still visible in Eclipse client so, i need to hide in Eclipse client.
I have this condition in Tab property HideIfEmpty = True

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jan 10 '17, 2:31 a.m.
edited Jan 10 '17, 2:35 a.m.

The custom tab is automatically shown in the Eclipse UI if there are any custom attributes that don't have an editor presentation. This is a convenience function. In the Web UI, you have to manually add the custom attributes to a tab. As soon as there are custom attributes that have no presentation, and HideIfEmpty evaluates with false and the tab is shown.

To my knowledge, you can not suppress the tab. You can try to delete the tab from the editor presentations. Or you add all the custom attributes to some other tab and set their presentation to hidden, if you don't want to show them.

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