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Express Setup option is disabled in 'https://localhost:9443/jts/setup' when login with User ID and password both as ADMIN

Princi Verma (28224) | asked Nov 21 '16, 4:23 a.m.
 Hi Ralph,

As you said I have replaced call "%CATALINA_HOME%"\bin\catalina.bat jpda run with "%EXECUTABLE%" start %CMD_LINE_ARGS% in server.startup.bat. Now my server.startup.bat is running perfectly but after login into 'https://localhost:9443/jts/setup' with USER ID and Password both as ADMIN then my Express Setup option is disabled and showing--- Express Setup is not available because the database appears to be mis-configured. Use Custom Setup to configure the server and verify the database configuration.

And after selecting this Custom-Setup option I am not getting that from where I need to take the JDBC Password for Database Vendor as Derby and Connection Type is JDBC.

I searched for the same on Google & in the following Link( it's showing -

If you are using the Derby database, you should not have to change the default values, and you will not be prompted to create database tables.

I am also using Derby Database Vendor but in that Default Value is none.

Please suggest some solution & sorry for asking the question in old questions.

2 answers

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Nov 21 '16, 4:32 a.m.
The modification in the batch file was to be able to find a potential problem and not meant as a method to go further.

 Uninstall the RTC Server and install it fresh. Make sure to delete all remaining files and folders, especially if they are named "Derby". There is no way to tell what is wrong based on the information you provide. 

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 21 '16, 4:35 a.m.

 Make sure you have a capable development machine e.g. have at least 8GB RAM.

Princi Verma commented Nov 21 '16, 4:39 a.m. | edited Nov 11 '17, 5:35 p.m.

 ok, thank you Ralph...

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