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Is there any way to disable log file creation for the script based customization in CCM log files?

Parveen Patel (771427) | asked Sep 08 '16, 2:33 a.m.
edited Sep 08 '16, 2:36 a.m.

Hi All,

I am using RTC version 6.0.1 and we have done lot of script based customization for our solution in RTC.

Looking at the CCM log files there are many errors generated when invoking various client side customization.

These errors make the log files very difficult to read and should be minimized as much as possible.

Is there any way to disable error logs generated for client side validations in RTC.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Sep 08 '16, 2:58 a.m.
edited Sep 08 '16, 5:01 a.m.
Hi Praveen,

There is no specific property to control the Java Script Customization logging.  Logging in CCM logs is based on log4j and controlled by the file. 

In the file, there is only one property related to Java Script :
#   JavaScript                 #
# Turn on ERROR messages only for JavaScriptDependencyAnalyzer to suppress the dojo circular dependency warning

and its disabled by default and does not directly relate to the script based customizations.

You can review the enabled/disabled logging by looking at the file
found in the

Instead, I would recommend reviewing these script errors.  Script errors could indicate that some business logic enforced on the work item is not functioning anymore and could have its implications to the end users and more....  Best way might be to resolve these errors and get the cleaner logs. 

Unless you are creating place holder scripts, script errors can be resolved by reviewing the configuration or the implementation.  If you see that the script is in good shape but an error is still being reported for it, we may have to review it for a probable defect.  Here I would like to also clarify that at this point (v602), I haven't noticed any such defects that lead to unnecessary logging of errors for script based customizations.

hope this helps
Parveen Patel selected this answer as the correct answer

Parveen Patel commented Sep 08 '16, 3:47 a.m.

Hi Dinesh,

Thanks for your detailed answer.

Please suggest on below error message for one of the script written:

Error invoking work item filter 'SupplierMandatoryDependsOnRCRType' Unexpected exception type

do we need to handle all the exception using java script to reduce such type of error messages in log files?

Dinesh Kumar B commented Sep 08 '16, 3:57 a.m.

Hi Parveen,

Yes, you would have to handle them...

just found this article.. a little old but thought may be useful to you :

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