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When requirement link (satisfy or satisfy by) between artifacts of two modules is created, reverse link in the view is not visible from second module if we link Artifacts by entering into folders.

Mahesh JS (17211) | asked Aug 11 '16, 3:57 a.m.
 When requirement link (satisfy or satisfy by) between artifacts of two modules is created, reverse link in the view is not visible from second module if we link Artifacts by entering into folders. The reverse link is shown if we link the artifact by entering into target module. But, how does an end user comes to know about this?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Koak Lodge (156210) | answered Aug 11 '16, 7:39 a.m.

Links are context-sensitive. When you link an artifact in a module to another artifact in another module, that link (and its reverse) can only be seen from those modules. A module-artifact-TO/FROM-module-artifact link will never be seen in the base artifacts, e.g. when viewing the artifacts in their folders.

If you were to make a base-artifact-TO/FROM-base-artifact link, you can see it in modules by pressing the More Actions module menu button (3 horizontal lines in upper right), then choose "Include links, tags, and comments from base artifacts".

I agree with Keith that users have to be educated. Tell them to work only in modules if that's the paradigm you're working in.

Mahesh JS selected this answer as the correct answer

Mahesh JS commented Aug 17 '16, 12:41 a.m.

 Thanks for the answer, user should know this concept.

One other answer

permanent link
Keith Collyer (456511) | answered Aug 11 '16, 6:54 a.m.
This is deliberate and is part of the reuse approach in DNG. Links are specific to their location. This allows you to reuse the same requirement in multiple places, but each place only shows links that are relevant to that location. If you are using modules, it is generally good practice to not use the artifacts in the folders directly. I would recommend that users are trained in this approach.

Mahesh JS commented Aug 17 '16, 12:42 a.m.

 Thanks for the answer, it would be good if user knows this concept.

Keith Collyer commented Aug 17 '16, 4:52 a.m.

It is fundamental to the way artifacts are treated in DNG, so it should be part of user training. Your users are being trained?

Mahesh JS commented Aug 25 '16, 1:25 a.m.

 We will make sure that users know about this in training.

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