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Comparison view of plan snapshots

Ratheesh Madathil (1371829) | asked Jul 12 '16, 12:38 p.m.

Does any one of you have an idea on how to support the below use case?

As a product owner I want to be able to compare the current backlog plan to a an already taken plan snapshot so that I can explain the changes in the "rank" of different items part of the backlog. (e.g. due to finished or new stories in the plan)

Acceptance criteria:
- I can compare the rank of stories inside of snapshots in a "Beyond compare" style (e.g. left side old snapshot, right side new snapshot or current plan).
- I can identify the rank changes for stories or defects which are part of the old and the new plan.

Currently even with a PLAN export, we are not achieve it because the export does not contain RANK attribute at all.

Thank you.

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 14 '16, 4:09 a.m.
Since the rank is not a work item attribute the snapshot compare does only show the work item changed, but not the different rank values. If you want this to be supported, you should open an enhancement request.

Plan export only exports a few values and rank is not one of them.

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