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Is it possible to change the Sharing of public reports in JRS 6.0.1?

Karthik Krishnan (8846121163) | asked Jul 01 '16, 4:34 a.m.
We have an Issue with JRS 6.0.1 with respect to visibility of work items as it doesn't have the same restirction as in RTC.

This is being fixed in JRS 6.0.3 and in the meantime we want to have a restricted roll out of JRS.

I am wondering if we can somehow change the sharing of the public reports to "Private" which are owned by "JRS" user.

Another alternative is to "Delete" these public but when we upgrade to JRS 6.0.3, I would like to retain these as some of them are really useful.

Accepted answer

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Steven Shaw (55113) | answered Jul 05 '16, 1:53 p.m.
Correct, any of the default "Ready-to-copy" or "Ready-to-use" reports, an administrator can delete them and then at a later day reimport them from the Administration page.

Karthik Krishnan selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Karthik Krishnan (8846121163) | answered Jul 01 '16, 8:35 a.m.
Looks like I can delete these public reports and re-import it later

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