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RDNG 6.01 Requirement Attribute not appearing in JRS Reporting.

Tony Kwa (201022) | asked May 17 '16, 9:52 p.m.
edited May 19 '16, 6:33 p.m.
I am working on some reports for our RDNG 6.01 Repository.   We have Requirements Types defined with custom attributes..(as expected).

The Requirement is called "Control" , a excerpt of the attributes are :
ID : Standard field
Control Number : String
Release :  String
REquirement Type : Standard File
Subsystem :  Enumerated Field
Document Reference : String

When I start up JRS.  and use "Build a Report from Scratch"
Report Type is Current Data.
Data Source is  : Rational Datawarehouse

I choose my repository, my custom requirement type

I don't need to use tracebilty for this report.

I use the standard condition that JRS creates...) "Requirement Type is Control"

I click continue and then choose "Add Attribute Columns"

A list comes up.  I can see most of the Custom attributes except the Control Number  attribute which is crucial to my report.

Can someone tell me why it is missing?    I can not see any reason for it to be missing.   My custom enumerated fields are in the list, other custom string attributes are in the list .

Please advise.


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Koak Lodge (156210) | answered May 19 '16, 9:40 a.m.

JRS is a mysterious beast with no documentation (please prove me wrong). It is a mystery to me why certain attributes show up and some don't.

One thing I do know is that the data warehouse is only updated periodically, so if you just created the attribute it may not show up for another 24 hours in the data warehouse.

If you, or anyone, finds the criteria for why some attributes don't show up in JRS, please post here!

Koak Lodge commented May 19 '16, 9:41 a.m.

Also, if possible, please tag this question with "jrs". Thanks.

Tony Kwa commented May 19 '16, 6:38 p.m.

I know about the 'Data Collection" programs.  The DB has been refreshed.

Perhaps the support people can provide some help.

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