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How do I set the data set definitions in an NSP folder?

Tiffney Holman (1112) | asked May 12 '16, 12:34 p.m.
edited May 23 '16, 10:58 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
I created a new folder NSP under component CCRL_Project via the web client. Developer was able to create new file under the NSP folder. However when a build was ran on the new file we received the following msg. 

The file TEST100.sql contained in the specified buildable subset is in a folder NSP with no data set definition specified. The file will not be built. The specified build subset contains no buildable programs. A build.xml file cannot be generated. This may be caused by the build subset not containing the right files or the build definition not being setup to process the language definitions associated with the files at

From RTC Eclipse client I see 
   zOSrc folder
     JCL folder  
     NSP folder

If I view the JAZZ SCM Properties of both files I see that the JCl folder list a Dataset Definition,  Read Access & Version ID.  But if I view the NSP folder all that is listed is Read Access & Version ID. 

How do I set the data set definitions in the NSP folder?


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 18 '16, 3:01 a.m.
I am pretty sure that the problems you are having relate to your environment (e.g. what you develop for like System I or System Z) and special requirements of the build process for these cases that you are not aware of or don't understand.

I would suggest to talk to your build/release team or a RTC power user at your organization to find out what you need to do  in order to make this work.

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Tiffney Holman (1112) | answered May 18 '16, 2:49 p.m.
 Our environment is System Z. I was able to get it working, the key was when I shared the project to the repository workspace it had to be shared at the Component level. I was then able to select the data set definition for the new zfolder. 

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