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Strange behavior when assigning an Iteration to a Testplan using REST

Julian Hemm (58616) | asked May 06 '16, 6:02 a.m.
edited May 06 '16, 6:03 a.m.

I try to assign an existing Iteration to an existing testplan in RQM 6.0.1 using the REST-API.
I'm using the option "Enable team areas and support for multiple timelines." and have two teams using the same timeline.

I update the existing testplan that has no iteration set via REST:
<ns2:parentIteration ns6:resource="<server>:9443/qm/process/project-areas/_9tR-gOatEeW4_vd64hIoaA/timelines/_9vzuEuatEeW4_vd64hIoaA/iterations/_9vzuE-atEeW4_vd64hIoaA" modified="2016-05-06T11:44:22.515+02:00"/>

The timeline is assigned to the plan, but when opening it on the Web-UI, the following warning is displayed:
"The test plan has an invalid test schedule. The timeline associated to the test plan's team area does not match the timeline of the selected iteration. Either select a valid team area, clear the schedule, or configure a new schedule."
--> The selected timeline is valid for the selected team.

In the test schedules section, points and planned defects are empty, planned start/end date and duration is displayed as expected.

If I now manually clear the iteration and add the same iteration again via the web-ui, points and planned defects gets filled with "0" and the message disappears. Now, removing the schedule again manually and updating the testplan the same way again via REST works without any warning afterwards.

It only seems to happen when a team area is assigned.
The XML before and after setting schedule manually looks completely the same.

Am I doing something wrong or might this be a bug in the REST-API?

Thank you

Donald Nong commented May 09 '16, 3:11 a.m.

When you do it in the Web GUI, it can do multiple things for you. With REST API, you may have to use multiple requests to achieve the same thing, and you need to find out what other requests are required.

Julian Hemm commented May 17 '16, 8:17 a.m.

Unfortunately I cannot observe any additional requests using Firebug that I could do using REST API. Any ideas/hints what might be needed in addition? Thanks.

2 answers

permanent link
Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered May 24 '16, 10:46 a.m.

permanent link
Julian Hemm (58616) | answered May 30 '16, 3:37 a.m.
Thanks for your response.
I think this unfortunately still doesn't really answer my question.

So maybe summarized:
I want to set the iteration of a parent testplan to all its children:

1. fetch master testplan via REST
2. Copy <parentIteration>  section from xml
 2b. also tried to copy and paste the <estimation> section
3. fetch child testplan
4. Paste <parentIteration> into child's xml
5. Update the children via REST

--> Unfortunately I cannot upload images:
"The test plan has an invald test schedule. The timeline associated to the test plans team area does not match the timeline of the selected iteration...." (which is not true)
Planned Defects and Points fields are empty

6. Open in web ui
7. Clear Test schedule
8 Manually select the same iteration by clicking browse
9 Save
--> iteration is set without warnings. Points and planned defects fields get filled with "0"

The XML before and after setting the iteration manually looks exactly the same.
Any further ideas?
Global Config disabled
"Enable team areas and support for multiple timelines." Enabled
Thanks in advance

Paul Slauenwhite commented May 30 '16, 8:31 a.m.

I cannot reproduce this symptom in RQM 6.0.3 S3 (latest development sprint).  Did you remove the modified attribute from the parentIteration element?  Is the child test plan in a different team area that has a different timeline?  If not, please open a RQM defect with all the details.

Julian Hemm commented May 31 '16, 2:12 a.m.

Hi Paul,

I've tried all combinations:
- keep the modified attribute
- remove it
- change it to the current date.

None of the attempts was successful.

For the team areas:
My master test plan is not assigned to a team area.
I have tested it with 3 childs, where one is assigned to TeamA, one to TeamB and one is Unassigned.
Both teams, A and B, are configured to use the timeline that contains the iteration which that is assigned to the master (where it is copied from later). The error message occurs for all children.
 The logfile unfortunately doesn't say anything

Paul Slauenwhite commented May 31 '16, 7:07 a.m.

 Julian, I think it's time to open a RQM defect with all the details and a link to this post.

<o:p> </o:p>

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