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As a CLM administrator how can i assign permission only to a specific user having tester role to delete test cases in RQM?

sanjay Kushwaha (1513) | asked Apr 12 '16, 10:26 a.m.
In my project users with tester role have access only to create and edit test cases but cannot delete them. I need to provide a tester with test case deleting permission but Rational allows to assign permissions according to roles like tester, developer,release coordinator etc. and not for a specific user.
Is there any way i can give a specific user with access to delete test cases?

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paul chu (59411) | answered Apr 12 '16, 10:49 a.m.
The permissions can only be assigned to user roles and not individual user.  In you case, you can create a new user role like "test lead" or "power tester" and assigned the permission to delete test case to that new role.  You can then add this new role to the specific users in additional to the plain tester role that can only create and edit.
sanjay Kushwaha selected this answer as the correct answer

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