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Changing attribute "planned for" of a WI holds rank in the plan. How you force again "not ranked"?

Fran Burgos (12312352) | asked Mar 11 '16, 2:38 a.m.
We have two plans with a rank view. When we swap the iteration in "planned for", the WI holds rank from the old plan. Is there any way to avoid this and re-forcing "not ranked"?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 15 '16, 5:37 a.m.
I am not aware of any automation for that.

PS: With all the versions out there it becomes more and more important to mention the version in use.

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Fran Burgos (12312352) | answered Mar 28 '16, 11:45 a.m.
In RTC 5.0.2 I found a trick:

 IAttribute rankAttribute = workItemServer.findAttribute(projectAreaHandle, 
NewRankingAttributeHelper.NEW_RANKING_ATTRIBUTE_ID, monitor);
newStateCopy.setValue(rankAttribute, null);
workItemServer.saveWorkItem2(newStateCopy, null, null);

NewRankingAttributeHelper.NEW_RANKING_ATTRIBUTE_ID is a copy in the WI of the rank in the plans for keeping the value between iteration changes. Hence if you set null this value, the WI is set as "Not-Ranked". 

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